Himalaya Yoga Olympiad
It is not the usual yoga competition run throughout the country attracting thousands of youths. Swami Vivekananda said “yoga should not be a competition but should be based on cooperation” With this in mind HIMALAYA has been conceptualized & concretized as a team assessment program. Each team consisting of yoga practitioners are formed. They will be assessed first at the Taluk level. The winners will go for district level HIMALAYA and so on till they reach International HIMALAYA. Participants from abroad can apply. After selection by the selection committee, they will be allowed to participate in the National and International HIMALAYA.
Nationals - 30th December 2023 - 1st January 2024
Internationals - 2nd January 2024
VENUE : Prashanti Kutiram
The objectives of Himalaya (A Yoga Olympiad) are to promote awareness of yoga and build up a network of yoga students, practitioners, teachers and sadhakas at the national and international levels. We hope to spread the message of yoga as a science of Holistic living to be achieved through Jnána Yoga, Rája Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga, as proclaimed by Swami Vivekananda. The syllabus, therefore, cannot end with a physical demonstration of yogasanas only. It also assesses knowledge and grasp of the concept and definition of yoga and its various techniques, for total growth of the individual, including physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development and their spiritual basis. HIMÁLAYA thus aims at helping the youth of our country grow together, and expand their vision, so they leave behind the mad rush of cut throat competition and selfishness and engage in cooperative, harmonious pro-active living.
Reference Books:
Light on Yoga by Dr. B K S Iyengar
Pranayama - The Art & Science by Dr. H R Nagendra
YIC Book S-VYASA and Himalaya Yoga Olympiad - Advanced Asanas
An organization has a minimum of 24 members and a maximum of 32 members Team.
Each group must have 3-4 persons participating from each organization. As assessment will not be based on individuals. Boys and girls will be assessed separately.
Separate teams should register for sub-junior, junior, youth, and senior youth. Local languages or English is the medium of instruction or expression.
Wherever VYASA Affiliate centers are available, the HIMALAYA will be conducted in these centers, local yoga institutes will be utilized for this purpose where centers are not there, and other associated Yoga centers and the facilities provided by VYASA well-wishers will be utilized for this purpose. The National and International Himalaya will be in Prashanti Kutiram, Jigani, Bengaluru
National Coordinators:
For more information, please contact;
Ms. Anupa: +91 88614 84382
Ms. Vartika: +91 91486 10180
Dr. Vikas Rawat: +91 63628 05583